inspirational, lifestyle, Uncategorized

HOW TO BE HAPPY: People you need to eliminate in your life!

Most of the time we feel like we owe so many people a lot of things and we tend to stick to them even though it costs us our feelings; I’m here to tell you to stop!

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Hey lovie what’s popping, welcome right back to the blog! I know everyone is currently talking about the month of love and date night ideas but I’d really like to talk about something that I feel is a huge factor amongst us as well as something that touches ones heart at a point in time. Today I want us to talk about getting what you want.

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Fashion, inspirational, lifestyle


Hey guys what is up?! Many times we lose ourselves in midsts of what she says, what he thinks and who’s looking. Everything we do seems to be triggered or motivated by all these thoughts that when we think about it, it makes no sense. Because of all these sufferings we go through I wanted to give you some tips on how to love and embrace yourself and how to pull off that confidence at your lowest. I feel like the only difference between someone who’s strong and one who appears not to be strong is their confidence. Let’s get right into it!

1. Acceptance and Understanding.

The first step to any sort of confidence is accepting yourself mentally and physically. Once you learn to accept who you are (in and outside) you learn to start loving yourself way in and out which builds that confidence because you know yourself, love yourself and you don’t doubt yourself.

2. Respect yourself.

Just like accepting yourself, learn to respect yourself to an extent that no one can put you down. Respect yourself in a way that you look after yourself (mentally and physically) so that you are proud of what you are and not ashamed to portray who you are. Respect your thoughts, ideas and emotions to a point where you know what your values are and what you can’t take. When I say respect yourself I mean take care of the person that you are and don’t let the wind blow you to a place you don’t want to be. 

3. Fix and Enhance yourself.

When I say fix yourself I don’t mean paying thousands of money and getting surgery I actually mean taking your time to actually look good. This could either be by doing your makeup, taking care of your skin and smelling fresh. People generally start feeling good in the inside when they feel good about their outside so make yourself feel better by enhancing yourself to your liking. Avoid following trends that won’t take you anywhere and that you don’t believe in, -stay true to yourself!

Those are my three tips to being the best you and gaining all the confidence you need. Know that confidence starts with you on the inside before it shines on the outside so work on all the insecurities and emotional factors before moving to the physical factors because trust me you can have a beat face and all the hottest fashion but without the confidence we’ll still be able to spot it and you won’t be happy too.

I hope these tips will help you on your journey to confidence and if you’d like me to do different segments on confidence then let me know.

Follow me on all social media @theeoriginaljay

Email : 

Beauty, Fashion, lifestyle, makeup


Journeyspeaks qna

Hey guys what’s good? Welcome to the first and ultimate Question and Answer!! I have always wanted to host a Q&A but have always been scared to go through with it because I didn’t have much influence. But you know what, We have been doing this for two years and I feel like we are ready to take this on!



Answer : High school was honestly a very fun experience but at the same time something I could say I learnt a lot from. I think most of the things I deal with generally in life and how I deal with them is based from the experiences from high school. One thing I could say I learnt from high school is to be calm and to analyse something from all angles before acting on it. You will never gain anything from making a noise about something you don’t understand.


Answer : Yes I have and to say it was tragic is an understatement. Life broke us apart and God decided to take him to heaven before we could even fully learn of each other.


Answer : Natural how? If you mean makeup wise then the highs would be, your confidence rises on a high and you feel put together. Literally no one can put you down when you know your makeup looks good however the low is that when you don’t have makeup on you feel insecure kinda. You get used to seeing yourself with no blemishes or dark spots that when you see them you feel naked almost.

Answer : I honestly don’t know! I haven’t been consistent with a particular makeup brand that I really can’t choose.I’m more of the girl who’s tried one of each brand through one product you feel?

Answer : Ambition. I like a person who wants more, who won’t accept less but at the same time a person who acts towards his ambitions. If you have ambition and you show qualities of a hard worker then honestly you’ve copped me because I like linking with a person whereby we can push each other to do more.

Answer : Both


Question : What is sex?

Here’s what Google says..

Answer : In five years time I see myself in another country doing content creating permanently and professionally on all platforms. I actually see myself focusing more on the television and music industry and doing more and much bigger creative work.


Answer : Firstly, I love the way and how I deal with tough situations. I’ve noticed how I never fail to bring myself up from tragic situations and I actually respect myself for that. Another thing I love about myself is how big heated I am and how I always look to help others even though I don’t benefit and lastly what I love about myself is how I always find something to make the day. Whether it’s by joking around or doing skits my days are always fun filled and full of laughter that I sometimes can’t deal.


Answer : Lipstick! Girl I don’t know but I always have to have some type of lip product on my lips. I feel like a lipstick will always put a natural or a beat face on a higher level. So I always have a couple of colours in my bag.

Answer : No and no. My family has never actually been the type for pets so I grew up not liking pets. I like people with pets but I don’t think I could ever handle one.

Answer : Firstly I actually wanted to do YouTube(I still do) as a way to reach out to people about the things I loved but YouTube needed more resources that I didn’t have and I felt as though blogging was easier to do plus I had everything for blogging so I started blogging instead.

Answer : Lol this actually makes me laugh. Honesty girl I don’t think there’s a way to get him back without you actually telling him you like him especially since you’re the one who left him. So talk to him and tell him how you feel. But sþince you say he blocked you maybe it’s sign to just move on from him.

Answer : Yes

Thank you so much for reading! I really hope that you enjoyed it and if you missed out on the Q&A please follow me on the social media platforms listed below and you can be part of the next one. Thank you so much to people who sent in their questions.

Instagram : theeoriginaljay

Twitter : theeoriginaljay

Facebook Page : Journeyspeaks or theeoriginaljay



lifestyle, travel


Hey guys what is good?! Welcome back to JourneySpeaks. Today I am coming at you with another blog post! But what’s different about today’s blog post is that not only is it something I’ve never done before but it’s something happening locally(in South Africa). So to all my local readers we can start dancing.
I’ve recently been introduced to a company called Travelstart which is a Cape Town based one-stop online travel shop and can I first just say MAGIC. Basically what Travelstart does is offer low airfares on international and domestic flights from different airlines, vehicle hire options from top car rental companies and hotel reservations bookable for properties on every continent Meaning they offer something for every traveler’s budget.

Now the best part about Travelstart is that Travelstart has a student flight page dedicated to all students (me and you) where they offer not only discounted flight specials but useful student tips on how to go about seeing the world as a student. Today I will be doing a review on their students flight page.

When I was first introduced to TravelStart I thought it was just another company trying to make money but to my amazement they were doing the opposite, trying to make us money! 

What I love most about the student flights page is that it’s so easy to navigate and work around with, for a person who’s always using her phone for everything I love that I don’t get any complications when using the page and I don’t have to switch to  a computer to be able to work with it. They’ve made it so easy to understand that you automatically know what you are doing even though you’re clueless.

What’s also nice is that on the page they let you compare flights and let you see what works well for you and what you can do to save money. The little app that they have on the page is also extremely useful especially for people who like to plan ahead and start saving before time because the little tool allows you to plan your flight, check what you need to save for the flight, what company you can go with and it breaks down the flight details for you so that you are aware of the time it would take you to get to your venue and how many kilograms of luggage you can carry.

I also love the fact that they understand that you are a student and that you are still learning about life so they’ve got all travelling tips and advice for you to make sure you make the right move. –Now who doesn’t need this? It’s like having your own travel assistant who’s got your back and makes sure that you get everything for the right price.

Travelstart’s student flight page is so informative that you can do your research right there. You always have a helping hand I believe you can always learn something and a BONUS is that they have a number that you can call when you need help with your booking(talk about kickass wherever you go service!). Please go read up on their page to learn a bit more about travelling and saving money . They’ve got so many tips such as How to book cheap student flights, Money saving tips while travelling and Top Tips For Moving Into Residence That Every Student Should Know! 

ts_logo_genericIf you are a student I’d like for you guys to check out Travelstart’s Student Flights page and make use of it because there is no way that you are loosing, it’s that type of a deal where you’re always on the winning end and please do share the page with your student friends so we can all WIN!

Thank you so much for reading, please give this post a like and leave a comment saying where you’d like to go to one day.





From the end of last year I had been looking for a Job. Reason being that I wanted to study this year and my mom didn’t have the money to take me to University or to any other further education Institute. Beginning of this year I found a job at shop called Clarks and decided that I would study Marketing Long Distance.

I have been doing that ever since and I must admit, it has been hard. I work from Monday to Sunday and get 5 days off every month. I am very grateful for the job that I have because it gives me a source of income and I still get to study however I have literally no time. Hence why I’ve been blogging less and posting less on social media.

While doing this I have met many beautiful people who make this less harder than it is. I have laughed continuously and learnt many different things. I have learnt that each day is an opportunity to learn and I feel like I have learnt to grow up emotionally and to deal with things in better ways. I have learnt to be independent and to stand on my own and not feel like there is something wrong with that.

Even though I will be posting less and doing less of the things I love, I want you guys to know that I love you so much and that I am gonna be trying my best to deliver content continuously. I don’t want you guys to feel like I am losing interest in this whole thing because you guys mean so much to me but I want you guys to understand the situation that I am in.

Once again thank you so much for the support that you guys have given me from the start till now. I honestly appreciate it.

Leave a comment telling me the hardest situation you have had to go through in your life, if you want to be private then you can email me.




Hey guys what is up?! Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!If you are reading this then I’d like us both (me and you) to thank God that we’re still both alive and I wish you all the best for 2017. Let this be your year. So yes I know collabmas is over but today I have another collaboration just to kick start the year. I am collaborating with Jessytee and we have decided to help you guys with the upcoming year. 

So I’ve decide to help you be happy and have no worries. HOW TO BE HAPPY THIS YEAR.

1. Speak your mind.

I always used to hear that people who spoke their mind were much more happier and that couldn’t be much truer because if you speak your mind then you’re always worriless. You’re not holding any grudges and your mind is free. So this year learn to speak your mind and say what you want because then you’re free and you get to be who you are and people learn to see that person. 

2. It’s okay to cry.

Most of us feel like we always have to be strong and not show people our weaknesses but that’s not the case. This year learn to let people know of how you feel and don’t bottle up things because that means bringing stress and sickness. And when I say it’s okay to cru, I don’t mean actually crying but letting your emotions fall through and letting people actually see that side of you.

3. You don’t have to please anyone
I know sometimes you feel like you have to suck up to people just because they are whoever they are but trust me you don’t. We are all human and the sooner you accept that then the sooner you can go out and know that the next person is as much a human as you are.

4. Have fun

Fun doesn’t have to be going out with people and doing alcohol abuse, fun could be anything. Tell yourself that it’s okay to do fun things once in a while and that you don’t have to stay at home doing nothing. So go out with your friends or invite friends over and have a laugh. Also go to the fun, don’t wait for the fun to come to you.

5. Don’t expect anything.

If you don’t expect anything then you don’t get disappointed so teach yourself to not expect anything. Or if you do then expect the least because expecting the most is setting yourself up for sadness and dissapointment because you might not get anything. So live a life of non expectancy and a suprise when you do get something.

Okay so I’ve set up 5 things to make sure your 2017 is lit,I can come up with more and I’m sure Jessy Tee can too. Please go check out Jessytee’ post on her blog, she has a post on how to slay 2017 physically and emotionally. Also add her on instagram @jessyteee_ she’s such an amazing person. I’d also like to thank her for agreeing to collaborate, it’s been really great and I’d really love to make friends with her.


instagram : theeoriginaljay 

Twitter : theeoriginaljay 

Snapchat : theeoriginaljay 

Fashion, lifestyle


Hey guys what is up? Welcome right back so today I’m doing my second collaboration with Kayla whom I totally love. For this collaboration we are doing a Christmas shopping haul. I’m very excited for this one actually because I don’t get to suck at it like my cookies did. Do go and check out our last one here. So I haven’t been shopping much actually because I’ve been working so I haven’t had much time but here’s what I bought.

So I bought this bodysuit mainly because I don’t have clothes this colour but as soon as I tried it on I fell in love with it. It’s got this curtain kind of thing in the front which I really love because you don’t see a lot of clothing with it. I did buy this on black Friday so I bought it for R83.99

Okay so I’ve been searching around for this top for long. My mom loves these tops but whenever we tried buying a top like this we just ended up putting it back, whether it was too faded, the colour wasn’t nice or it was too big. So I’ve gotten the chance to get one like this. When I saw this one I literally just grabbed it because the colour is firstly awesome and it looked good on my skin tone so yeah. I did buy this shirt for R69.99

Okay so I’ve been so obsessed with long cover ups and jackets this year so when I saw this one at Mr Price, I literally died. I was like no, let’s leave everything else, all I want is this. I also love the fact that its not a colourful shirt meaning it goes with my colour scheme and that I could actually style it in many different ways. This shirt was only R169.99.

The last casual thing that I bought was this green striped dress that had this raised collar (I forgot the name lol). I bought this at Legit for R84.01 and my mom is actually the one who said I must try it on. At first I was like mhmm no but as soon as I put it on guys I was like yow! You’re coming with me. Firstly the colour and the fact that it is a bodycon was an A+

Now I recently started working at some company, so as a teenager I didn’t have any work clothes so I ended up using all my money on that. So I’m gonna incorporate all of that into this haul because otherwise this haul would have been short.


I only bought one blouse mainly because the prices were insane so I ended up buying this checkered blue blouse that gave a lot of air and space. I really love this blouse because the material is kind of that formal classy kind and it is blue meaning I can style it in many different ways.

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I bought these heels for R329.99 at Edgars and at first I wasn’t sure about them because they’ve got such a small heel and I’m about that big life however when I put them I actually saw how stunning they looked, especially since I have thin feet. So I actually love them.

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So the first pair of pants that I bought were from Topshop Edgars and I bought them for R249.95 which was a complete bargain because the original price was R469 so I was very happy about that. Theses pants are in a standard navy blue colour and I like that because they are standard you can wear a different top everyday and people would still think that you’re wearing something different.

Then I also bought these standard black pants also which have the same cut as the above pants just that these ones are a black colour. I also bought them for the same reason as the above. These pants however were R399

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The last pair of pants I bought was a funky colour, just to balance out the boring days. The colour of these pants actually pulled me in because I’m currently obsessed with such colours. Theses pants however are tight as if you’re wearing leggings of some sort so that was kind of an off. But I still love them wholey. I also bought them at a bargain because the original price was R799 and I got them for R425.

Yuup guys so that is my Christmas haul. I know I don’t have candles and Christmassy stuff but I’m a savage so I’m gonna definitely call it a Christmas haul. Lol comment down below what is the not so christmassy thing you’ve bought in December. Don’t forget to go and check out KaylaHope’s blogppost and her instagram. She’s such a sweet child so go make friends with her.


Instagram theeoriginaljay
Twitter theeoriginaljay
Snapchat : theeoriginaljay




Hey guys what is up? So about a week ago I was introduced to a company called ThirdLove that wanted to give you guys a guide on how to save your staples. You guys know how much I love sharing advice especially when it’s about fashion so obviously I accepted. So Third Love actually set up this whole guide for you to help you care for your wardrobe essentials so they last long. We all know how important staples/essentials are so listen up.

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  Hey guys what is up? Today I’m going to be ranting about something that probably the whole world has ranted about at some point and it’s about  Haters. Because I feel like as time goes, people seem to have more and more reasons to hate people and this has to stop.

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